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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Exhibition!

My Time at Telford

So we were given our results yesterday, I say given, I mean written in a list which were posted up on the wall. I got a DISTINCTION =D. Very, very pleased with my grade and with the comments that Neil gave me. It's been such an amazing year for me and this tops it off nicely. Many people look down on college but I would'nt change this year for anything; I have made some brilliant friends and got to know fantastic tutors. I have loved the Foundation course and the challenges that have been thrown at us have pushed me to work incredibly hard. Because of this, I received direct entry into second year Textile Design at Duncan of Jordanstone as well as an unconditional for first year, an unconditional for first year at Gray's and a conditional for CAP. These were all such confidence boosts for me and now I can't wait to go on and study at Dundee! - This has always been my first choice of art school. But! I'm going to miss the "Telfy" crew so much. It's a shame that on the exhibition opening night I got to know so many more people that hadn't been in my classes all year. I really can't believe that the course is over! :(. It felt like a very long time ago we were all sitting in our first 9-half 4 day, Group B, with Neil Manning teaching us all about the left and right side of the brain; we then started drawing eachother with our eyes closed using our non-writing hand. But at the same time, where has this year gone?! I will genuinely miss everyone and god knows what I'll do with my summer!