- lame name, but quite appropriate.
My inspiration began with taking close up photographs of leftover marks and stains around the studio - a theme which I had explored during my Textile Design block and wanted to expand on, but interpret in a different way. I then started gathering found objects; some pretty skillful skip rading. It was all looking too flat, which was then a break- through occured; I took everyday furniture typical of the studio, and started flipping everything upside down/emerging outwards from the wall; creating many angles and various viewpoints. Turned into another one of my installations from this year:
Some of my favourite photographs I had originally taken of the natural marks:
A painting I did using the waxpot and masking fluid trying to recreate the original photograph below:
I don't particularly like the full drawing, but I like the crisp detail which masking fluid provides:
Another painting which features in this installation, (unfinished; needs more depth):